Thursday 12 March 2015


And the rain fell like an incessant cascade of tears,
Almost as if it were an extension of his pain
The moon and stars seemingly snuffed out of existence
His beating heart a fading chord
Drowned out by the blaring noise in his head,
Noise thick with thought, thick with emotion
Noise thick as the thunder that rolls through his being
Casting its dark arms forth
With a presence that demands to be felt
Noise that swells with the heavy beat of the rain against the earth
Beating, beating, beating
A tormented uproar
 A fragmented hue and cry

The sun that once warmed the ground beneath his feet
So easily forgotten in the din of the downpour
A distant memory that he struggles to hold on to
The warmth that had seeped deep within his bones
Slowly being sucked out by the bitter wet cold
A raging war of fire and ice

Beating, beating, beating
The drenching deluge that taunts him
Drumming a derisive beat over his head
Filling him up, closing him in
Threatening to consume, threatening to flood
How easy it would be to just let go
To become one with the mud

He heaves up a broken sigh
The heaviness of it all weighing down his anguished, aching soul
But a glowing ember keeps him awake
Keeps the darkness at bay
Like a dull lamp that only lets him see an inch ahead
Anything further is swathed in inky blackness
The glowing ember that struggles to breathe with him
And then, suddenly
A gulp of air that feeds the fire
The lightning that cuts through dark obsidian
Lightning that splits the sky with a glaring jolt
Bringing abrupt illumination to all the things he yearns to see
But lasting only a moment
For light cannot exist without darkness

The same lightning that gives birth to thunder
The sinuous stridency that pierces his heart
The despairing discord that engulfs once more
Beating, beating, beating

Who knew noise could bring so much pain
Turmoil and confusion, swirling over the surface of the deep
Swirling over the formless murky waters pooling at his feet
The reflection that he once saw so clearly, now marred by the ripples
Blurred by the vibrations cast by the tumultuous torrent of rain
‘Will the waters ever be still’ he pleads
But noise never lasts forever,
The suffering it brings, brings forth perseverance,
A moulding of the strength that has always been within him,
And ultimately brings forth hope,
Rain lasts only a season,
Darkness lasts only for the night and light comes forth in the morning,
The Spirit that hovers over those waters,
The one voice that speaks above the thunder,
The one voice that moves at one with the force of lightning,
“Let There Be Light!”
The one voice that will separate the light from the darkness,
And it will be good.

Written By Wilhelmine Wachter


  1. Doesnt bring me any pride for some reason.

  2. Beautiful thoughts, you have expressed the feelings quite beautifully. Going to share it with others and hope that they will love it. Thank you for posting it
